Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Culture Turned Upside Down

Culture in today's society can be defined as a group of people's way of life based on the media, their environment, and predisposed notions that we are born into. Culture shapes the way each individual person grows up. All around the world we are immersed in different cultures. Depending on where you are born or where you have grown up will essentially shape your values, beliefs, and your own individual actions.

In today's society media plays a major role in influencing the direction of your life. Any news station or newspaper for that matter will always have a specific bias no matter what. Basically, the media will always try to make you think a certain way which directly effects culture. Culture is based off of the ideas that people as a whole accept. For instance when we are watching the news we are influenced in a certain way to think or accept a certain idea. Media directly influences us a society by using propaganda. Propaganda is a tool that the government uses to make us think positively or negatively about a certain subject. IN today's society information is not hard to find. Almost all American families have at least one computer in their home or a television. This allows us to have a connection with the rest of the world. We are opened up to a sundry of cultures. In certain countries technology is not a part of their culture so their culture is based off of the world around them. Hence, the fact that certain cultures are shaped differently because of ignorance.

Society and The People Around You Shape Your Culture 
Culture shapes a society as a whole. So one idea instilled into a whole group of people will majorly effect any single person's action, beliefs, or values. As an individual in today's world I  am effected each day by my peers, the media, and the political views of my heritage. As an American I am tought that democracy is number one and that as a nation we are the best, but imagine being born in Afghanistan or in Bulgaria would my views not be completely different? the answer is of course, when you are raised in a certain place or by certain parents their own culture will influence your thoughts and ideas about specific subjects. Popular culture has a major impact on the type of person you become whether you like it or not. Culture will always determine certain ideas or characteristics of the person you become. 

Free Culture
In society today their are three major factors that determine a culture; media, history, and an individuals opinion. The basis of any culture  is the history. Each country or society through out our whole world has its own personal history. For instance, the United States of America is a very young but powerful country. We broke away from Great Britan which in turn made us independent and a democracy. Every individual that is truly an American believes in freedom, meaning that our culture is free. If you are from a different country your society might not think that way. In the MIddle East for instance, women do not have the same rights as men. Their culture has  led them to believe a certain idea or thought of a specific culture. In the end each individual culture essentially shapes the way of life of each society.

Surroundings Will Shape Your Culture  
Culture is a way of life. Different countries or nations each have their own way of doing things. No matter what you believe or what you think your culture has a direct impact on your own individual opinion. The media, your heritage, and your own personal beliefs will always morph your individual opinions based on your own external factors.


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