Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The News You Watch

Channel 11 News VS Local News
Some people turn their TV’s on in the mornings so they can listen to the news while they get ready for their days. The news is a big part of peoples lives. Some people read newspaper to get a fix of the daily news. Some people choose to keep up with the news through weekly news magazines such as TIMES. Some people listen to the news on their radios in their cars on their daily commutes to and from work. And some watch the news on TV. The news on TV is very convenient because it runs many times a day like inn the morning, afternoon, and night. The news can be watched so you can be updated with important things going on around you. If you do watch the news on TV, what channel do you prefer to watch? Do you watch one specific channel? Or do you change between channels to see what every channel has to offer? If you do watch the news you are probably aware that FOX 11 news is known to be very conservative. While all the other channels are known to be more liberal. And if you compare FOX 11 news to other channels on the “fun-o-meter” there are other channels that are known to be more fun. Which brings up which news channel is the best?

Biased News
Everybody is given the right to an opinion. And that is exactly what the FOX 11 news is known for; having their opinion. Other channels are known for having their opinion too, but just like in sports, there are biased announcers even though there aren’t supposed to be any. And I guess you can say that FOX 11 is biased compared to other local news channels. If you were to put all the news stations on the political spectrum, you would notice that a lot, if not all of the news channels were on the left, leaning to the democratic side. The news channels that are more on the liberal side just tend to be more open in how they view different things. They do not tell you what should be done to help or economy, they simply provide how our economy is doing. The do not tell you that the President is doing anything wrong, they simply tell you what the President is doing. They don’t do this because they believe these issues are open topics and they do not want to be bias. FOX 11 news lays more towards the middle of the political spectrum. They are considered to be conservative, with views that are sometimes leaning towards the right, which is the republican side. FOX 11 is the type of channel to say that we need less taxes. They think they know exactly how to run the country and they don’t think that Obama is doing a good job. Have you wondered why this is? It is mostly because of the owners. Whoever owns these news stations is either a democrat or a republican. 

Best News Channel
Which news channel is most popular? Which channel is the best? There is probably no specific answer for it, but everyone has their opinion. FOX news and CNN are among the most popular. If you ask 100 people, close to or around 50 out of 100 will say that either FOX or CNN is their favorite. Everybody knows that FOX is more biased and that is what people don’t like about it. CNN news is claimed to be neutral and they do a pretty good job with that with only a little things that are a little conservative. Everybody has their own news channel that they like the best. It may not be either FOX or CNN, it may be KTLA 5 news. Pretty random but it’s a news station. Channel 5 is considered to be a pretty fun news channel compared to FOX 11. Channel 5 will break out of the economic news to give you news that is going on near you. It keeps you
updated on things like arrests, car crashes, burglaries, and even an news that have
happened with animals.
Differences Between KTLA & FOX
By doing research, I watched the FOX 11 news and the KTLA 5 news at the same time; flipping channels. From what I noticed, KTLA 5 went into much fuller detail when covering stories. When FOX had only two minutes of a story, KTLA had about five to seven minutes. FOX 11 had some stories going out of the regular political world news and went into the local news. KTLA mostly stayed on the local news. I saw some of the same news on both channels and FOX was definitely more conservative. Just be watching for a few minutes it was easy to tell. I don’t watch the news much but when I do I watch KTLA 5 news and I was able to tell the difference. I like the fact that KTLA is more liberal because I dint think it is right to be bias especially when it comes to the news. To me, FOX looks like they are trying to be too professional. After flipping back and forth, it was easy to tell that KTLA is more friendly and talkative towards each other while FOX was strictly just news, no smiles or laughs. 

Conservative & Liberal
When you compare the FOX news to other local news stations, you get that FOX news leans more towards being a conservative news station rather than the other local news stations which tend to lean more towards the liberal side of the political spectrum. This depends on the political views of the owner of the news stations. FOX 11 news tends to be more biased when compared to other local news stations. And after watching both FOX news and KTLA news for an hour, it was clear that FOX news is more conservative. They are not afraid to show what they believe in. After flipping back and forth from FOX news and KTLA news, it is also apparent that FOX news tries to have more of a serious news sessions rather than KTLA who is not afraid to have some fun while they are giving the news. 

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